As a young student, I used to read my 'sejarah' textbooks fervently, not because I was a total nerd, but just because 'Sejarah' was my favourite subject.
I'll forgo revision time for other subjects just to be more proficient with my 'sejarah'.
When I read all those stories about 'Nasionalisme', I always wandered.... how did they do it?
Remember the page in our textbook about AMCJA-PUTERA? They had like fractions all over, and then they became bigger and bigger until they formed a coliation, and had a central committee. (although our textbook was bias in it's style of delivering)
Today I got to witness with my own eyes, the same history. One day, it might be in my children's 'sejarah' textbooks, but to make sure it does, seems like i'll have to do my part.
Tonight was one random night where an acquaintance shoots an invitation via email to a relaxed BBQ party. I'm here in Singapore, not many things to do (actually got many things to do), so sure! why not? On top of that, some YB is coming. Surely, something exciting right? come on who doesn't wanna know the inside stories on the ongoing Malaysian political drama?
The funny thing is, the 'acquaintance' was someone I met so briefly because I decided to hunt down 'NO TO ISA' T-shirts, following the passing of friend (Markus Ng) whom only after his passing, I realised, was such a great person, such a great Malaysian.
So the acquaintance, turns up at my Uni's back entrance one fine afternoon via SMS arrangements to deliver the controversial T-Shirts. That day I kept asking myself, "Oh gosh, Penny, why are you doing this? since when you're so extremist, radical one?" I questioned my motives and intentions of getting the T-Shirts. But, God is really unpredictable....
I met the T-Shirt 'seller' who turns up in a snazzy black Getz, and got to chat with him a little... (I was shocked, cos I thought he was a lady given his unisex chinese name after being romanized, cos I'm sure it's far from feminine in the chinese)
Then he asked me this question, "Why do you want to get these shirts?" I was stunned. Actually I don't really know why. I hardly know RPK (ok I dunno RPK). I don't really know what does ISA really do to people....and I had no real intentions of joining a candlelight vigil anytime soon.....
I told him the truth.... "Well, a friend from school passed on, and he was into these things"...
(I think it's our humanly way of expressing grievance over one's passing, like to honour him, we wanna continue championing his beliefs?)
"wait, is your friend Markus? Markus Ng?"
So it seems, the t-shirt seller heard of Markus from other like minded ppl. So he gave me more shirts to give away. So I emailed some friends to tell them the story. That I thought, was already such a coincidence and miracle chance encounter in itself.
But tonight....was different. It's really history in the making in my opinion.
It turns out the BBQ party was really an unofficial start to Anak Bangsa Malaysia (ABM) in Singapore/Johor.
So I've been getting forwarded messages on Facebook about starting up an ABM-SMKDU from Markus' highschool mates (my seniors), i thought well I'm not there, so......
Suddenly, I realised, this guy (Haris Ibrahim), who doesn't even know Markus personally, is the one who started ABM (refer to this blogpost dated 6th Aug 2007), but apparently in his recent blogpost dated 23rd Feb 2009, he said he had conveniently forgot about ABM, and he posted Markus' Anak Bangsa Malaysia Namecard and said... "Markus reminded me".

See how surreal all these is? I found my way to the BBQ because I felt sad/inspired by Markus' story and looked for NO TO ISA T-SHIRTS in Singapore. Haris Ibrahim was reminded by Markus about ABM and decided to revive it.
Inspired by Haris Ibrahim, my t-shirt seller acquaintance which turns out to be not a t-shirt seller but actually a great Malaysian, supporting nationalism in his own way in Singapore, decided to start-up Anak Bangsa Malaysia Selatan.
And tonight I saw history in the making, and I had to write this down.
Friends, let us make sure this makes it to our children's 'Sejarah' textbooks
and the only way that's going to happen if we come together to make this a reality.
p/s : oh if you want me to vigil with you now, I will....
For a better Malaysia!
anak bangsa malaysia,