Finally, we've all grown-up with the Twins turning 21 ystd.
Ah, Mum would be so proud you'll think, seeing all four of us pass into adulthood for real. Uncle Kay Ming said something that struck a chord with me the other day. I always thought, well, life hasn't been so tough really, without dad being around and all. I've or we've (Pegs and I) always seen mum as childlike, non-dependable, etc etc. But, if you'll ask me now, I think she's amazing. It's no shit to be a house-mum one minute and be responsible for 4 school going kids overnight. I think we turned out pretty good, all 4 of us, and I've been feeling pretty grateful for mum to be well, just like mum.
Yea, we had those "Mum, why the hell do you not...." moments. Or "Mum!! seriously, you need to be more decisive and stern" But heys, I realised to be on the sideline screaming and shouting and being critical is so way easier than being thrown into the situation in itself. I believe, God is just so good and faithful in his way of making things work for our family.
It is strange to talk about all these now, in fact I think this is the 1st time I'm actually talking about this so openly but with the unfolding of certain recent events, somehow my thoughts
came to this. Gugu's hubbie lies unconscious in the hospital, and it's so de-javu to see all these unfold before me. I see myself as my cousins so many years ago, waiting outside the ICU, not comprehending fully the situation at hand and what awaits. I pray and pray uncle will get up soon and walk like a normal person would, talk and laugh and eat and cry. It's just not right for anyone to not have this with their dad. I pray they could for a long time more.
Strange, lately, I'm growing fonder of the twins, wonder why? It's amazing to see Edwin Loo tell mum on Facebook (public declaration) that he misses her. I'm amazed, touched and at the same time at awe... It's one of those cliche super touching moments where the viewers weep. I feel like that too.