Today will be one of those days where I'll remember exactly what I ate for dinner, what I wore, the conversations I had for many years to come, maybe even an entire lifetime. Not because of the people I met or talked to or the "delicious" food I had for dinner but because of the ONE person who did it all..
Our batch mates were having dinner in a classy suburban mall not too far off from our workplace. It's training week, and a little get together with good food and good company always sets you off to feel that you really do like your job, well at least at the very moment the crispy bacon chip dipped in rich caesar dressing fills the cavities of your mouth coupled with the agreeable feeling to the topics and flows of conversations on a very long dinner table.
I strolled towards the parking lot with two of the most entertaining and interesting girls you'll meet at a workplace like mine. We queued, mind not focused on the task at hand (which was to pay the parking fee) while chattering away on nonsensical jargon, stirring up a good laugh. What could go wrong on such a pleasant evening?
As I was leaving the basement carpark, my hands reached over the gearshift to fish around my bag on the passenger seat for my BB (a gift fr the sister) but, alas, the palm of my hand was not able to recognise the grippy, rubbery texture of my BB's cover. Alarmed and afraid, I pulled over and searched, this time, frantically...
When I realised that my BB was definitely not in the car with me, my heart sank, and my mind went "shit, that's it..." But the spirit-man inside of me wouldn't allow the utterance of that aloud, instead my mouth moved as if having a life of its own, professing over and over again, in Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, Lord, I'll find my phone. Then I uttered right after, "Thank you Jesus!" which, thinking back, I feel, was strange....I have yet to find my phone!! yet alone stood a high chance in recovering it given the circumstance.
Determined, I got out off my already stationary vehicle and marched towards the mall's lobby. I noticed a security on a buggy on my way there. Strangely, he flashed me a queer smirk sort of smile (I thought he was just doing his 'guy' thing as is with most foreign working class men do to most local women of a certain ethnic race). I was too busy thinking about and feeling exasperated from the loss of my phone to respond.
I reached the lobby and immediately spotted a security behind a cashier sort of desk. I pleaded (sort of) with him and managed to get a hold of his mobile.
As the dialtone rang, a man came right up to me. I looked and realised he was the security on the buggy.
Only in my wildest dreams would I expect that a BB would appear in the palm of his hands as he fished inside his side pocket... or maybe I dared not expect, only to have my hopes falter and shatter to pieces soon after...but you know what? God is an awesome God and definitely a God of miracles. My miracle happened right before my eyes today, eyes that only knew how to see then, believe...
I guess my daddy God knows my ways, no matter how many times he reminds me over and over in his book and in the music on my ipod to 'walk by faith and not by sight'... he still does it this way, by sight...
I have faith, I'll always have faith and what I write here will remind me of that faith to keep on having faith.
The man on the buggy whose name is Sam is from Nepal. I'm sure he will be greatly blessed because God is a faithful God.
Thank you Jesus... Hallelujah, Praise Him!