Thursday, 6 December 2007

Lately Ive been drawing...

It's weird, cos of late, the more i tell myself i need to study the more i refuse to...
and then what happens? I end up with a drawing of a tree on an A4 Double A paper.

Despite the fact that i had no brushes and no palette, just cottonbuds that i was using to
dig out my ear-wax...and a tube of buncho black, of-course...oh and some water in a bottle-cap i found on my desk....

Whilst trying my hardest to avoid my books, i watched goong on the com, again...and giggled along with it, ber-emo-ing....and yeah, drew a tree.

but nevertheless, its one of 'those' things that just life....

So, i decided to name 'the tree' - Cottonbudart.

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