Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Today is one of those days....

where you get a surprise email from your sister, en-masse. Why didn't I see it coming. But really, thanks Pegs for sending that email....reminded me again that last 8th of March was not just an 'event' for ppl to blog about, mamak-talk about, or use as office ice-breakers. Its more than that.....

You know how things can be fun and drama where you get all worked out and emotional for a brief period of time? but yet it doesn't really affect you personal
ly so it kinda dies off after a while? Yeaps, that was the March 8th elections to me (besides being my 21st Bday). Its shallow to say this, but it really is the truth. But, this email (below) from Pegs got me to realise (post hysteria, euphoria and all) about the implications and significance of this very day. Btw, she emailed her entire contacts.

Hi guys,

I have been mulling the entire day if I should do this. But i doubt i can go to bed without. This is abit like social / image suicide, but oh well, here it goes...

Today, a very depressing event has taken place for Malaysia and democracy. Our government has arrested Raja Petra Kamarudin and he is in Sungai Buloh jail tonight, as I write.

Now, I hope many of you are aware that this has happened, and that you are aware of the fight and cause of Raja Petra. I know as well, from some of the Malaysians I've spoken to, that there are amongst us, who up till today, do not know who Raja Petra is, and the nonsense that has been happening right at our doorstep.

Look, I am not judging or accusing anyone here of ignorance, I was exactly the same before the March 8 elections. I truly don't really care, and I think the reason why I couldn't care much about who governs our country or how they did it was because I was stuck in some kind of selfish comfort zone and change didn't really matter to me because I never felt really deprived. I think this was some kind of selfish disease that most upper-middle to upper class young Malaysians are infected with. No worries about that scholarship missed because mummy and daddy can afford that education or rather Singapore will be happy to hand you one, no worries about corruption because hey normal-lah to bribe Mr policeman RM600 for lesen and RM50 for a saman. If you pull that cute lost little girl doll face you can even get away with RM30 to none! Because Abang Polis the corrupt & hamsap will also makan manja if not duit!

It was comical to me that our government and police are corrupt, a way of life which I accepted because hey money buys you everything in Malaysia right? But you know what guys? It is great table gossip that Anwar, Tian Chua, Kit Siang, Guan Eng and the others got jailed for justice, but hey! it doesn't really bother us as long as we have our TGV, GSC, endless shopping sprees, Yum Cha, fab clubbing nites, our thriving careers, glorious & posh food hunts and all the very fun stuff about being young and having it all.

It is not funny at all. Really really not. Did you know our government authorised a commission of RM500m to their cronies for purchase of submarines? Did you know Pak Lah and Najib spent RM700k on their Jets in 13 days during elections? Did you know it costs us RM39m to send the angkasawan konon to space to make teh tarik? Did you know that the BN Selangor government spent the entire RM27m of their allowance for a whole year in 2 months? Did you know our BN MP called old man Kit Siang 'Bodoh!! Bodoh!!!' in parlimen? Did you know a Mongolian girl was murdered and blown into pieces by C4 in our backyard, C4 being an explosive only accessible to the highest ranks in our military?

It's really a list shameful did you knows, and many many more, which i really didn't know or vaguely knew before May 8th

Now they have taken Raja Petra to jail. Raja Petra is the editor of Malaysia-Today. He is related to the Selangor Royal Family & has been fighting for justice and equality for our country for ages. He recently wrote an article entitled 'Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell' ( because he was moved by her father's plight to obtain justice for his dear daughter. And for this is he is now charged in court for sedition and put in jail.

Kit Siang hits the nail bingo when he said in parliament today that if any case should be brought up against Raja Petra, it is a private lawsuit between him and Najib for defamation. To mobilise the government's muscles and arrest him under the Sedition Act is ABUSE OF POWER and I wholly agree! Even the bar council of Malaysia has joined in to cry foul over his arrest!

I risk many reactions for pushing this. I know Raja Petra has not been the most neutral figure in Malaysian politics. Sometimes, he even seems to blog tall tales. But the point is he deserves his freedom of expression, and we, as the brilliant future of our country cannot afford to remain nonchalant any longer.

I am not saying that we need a revolution, i'm not suggesting we join the opposition and march at Dataran Merdeka (although that would actually be quite fun), but I am just appealing for all of us, to wake up, and care, and hey you know, rise up as a generation who are politically aware, who will stand for justice, and who loves freedom.

Spread the word, take an interest and pray for Raja Petra and all the other brave men & women who are fighting for the future of 27million Malaysians,

I will leave you with Raja Petra's final entry yesterday... just so you have a glimpse of his courage...!

Love, Peggy

ps: i don't mean to offend anyone k? i am quite sure that many of you are far more well in the know and concerned than me. My intention is just to spread the word, just in case some are still not aware!

pps: and i know some of you i haven't spoken to in years and ages. Just so happen you're in my address book.

Yeah i know, what a freak hello after ages. haha. sorry!

Here's the 1st reply to that email from one of her ex-colleagues at PwC whose one of those fortunate high-flying young urban professionals (as per-described above) :


reply to your ps : No offence felt, but you already made your point from your call in the wee hrs of the ytd morning. Forcing intellectual discussion out of my stubborn brain at 7.30am ....speechless

go have some sleep, take a deep breath.....go think wat to buy for your "son".......

AmInvestment Bank Berhad
Tel: 0x-xxxx xxxx
Fax: 0x-xxxx xxxx

***Point to note : I'm not ridiculing anyone here by being self-righteous or anything close to that, but it's true isn't it? This is the kind of general respond you'll get right? I might just have been that person replying to my sister, the exact same way. But I know Pegs, at least understand her thoughts from her writings, the message is simple and clear.

This is NOT some sort of INTELLECTUAL discussion or an attempt to make it look like I'm/you're/we're in that sort of 'high' calibre, This is REAL SHIT, OUR SHIT, Malaysia's SHIT and WE, yes, ALL of us, WE MUST PUT A STOP TO ALL THIS SHIT!!!

Everyone of us.....every single one of us.....who breathes this air, has his/her feet planted on this land, ARE RESPONSIBLE for all this SHIT!

Yes, my fellow comrades, we're at war here....
Being a politician political is not being intellectual, trust me on this.....

1 comment:

Mh said...

cool babe!!

i didn't know I'm an urban young professional. Feel like an old woman everynigh when I reach home after work!!

you should know better that's for pissing you sister off....but honestly, it did give me a headache!