Tuesday, 30 October 2007

HELP's Sports Carnival 2007

Econs Dept. ACTUALLY has a Netball team! We were just a bunch of people who wanted to play some ball for something and got our names on the same piece of paper at the Econs Dept. for weeks and never met until the day before the match.

To our surprise, we 'clicked' instantly as individuals and also as a team....why? cos' people like Rachel and Laura are a match made in heaven for LAMERZ. Seriously, think you know lame? Wait till u see these 2 new found friends together, *faints*

So we met the day before.... so what? We were planning to NOT Win anything anyways. How could we? A-Levels were training for weeks on end already and they had like 2 teams for ONE dept?? And 1/2 of us don't even really know how to play netball (like me).

Last Saturday was match day, we waited for "ALL" of us to come (some couldn't make it 4 the one day b4 crash-course training), but wait... one, two, three, four, five, six and seven.... Thats it? Seven players for a 7 player per team game? SO means what? No substitutes? Oh well, not that it's that big a deal right? Its not like we'll need substitutes.... It's only 7mins per 1/2 and it's only 2 games for one whole day.... unless....

Top:Econs Netball Team (Silver!) more pics of the team soon..., Bottom:A-Levels vs Poor Psych.Dept.

we win something. And you bet we did, many games in fact, that soon we were in the FINALS, fighting for the GOLD!...Omginess, you kidding me, the GOLD?

Sadly, we didn't make it, Tayar Pancit.

In the end? We're one proud team, oh yes we are....cos interestingly, ECONS dept has NEVER EVER in HELPS' history came this far.....ever

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