The days between exams were filled with feelings of tightness in my chest, blood pumped through my arteries so quickly, I can literally feel my blood pressure rise. My days were spent so pathetically, I feel sorry for myself thinking about it. Library in the day, I look forward to dinner time at 6.30pm. My favourite part of the day, 7pm, because some lousy Singaporean Drama series will be on but heck, its the best thing to chill with at 7pm. I'm back in my room 8ish...trying to get something in my head till 10pm...I'll give up, run downstairs to grab a drink...by 11pm, all my books will be moved down to the dining hall.
The most productive part of the last minute preparations, 11pm-3am...my mind is a sponge...a whole years' worth of everything is sucked in, hopefully retained for at least the next 10 hours, in time to be spat out for the morning paper. By now I've downed 2 bottles of Brand's Essence of Chicken, I'm wide awake, but my head is throbbing....like hell....
I tell myself I need to sleep, so I 'sleep' and 'rise' at 6am. Last hour to take in all the loose bits and pieces, by 7am, I zoom out of the house.
Hillsongs would be blaring in the background, I'll soothe myself in it as I blaze tru the roads..I chant to the chorus "Jesus you are my Bestfriend!" and feel my muscles relax....Feeling chilly, the aircon is switched off.
Armed with a small old exercise notebook containing summaries of everything I can summarize, I glue my eyes to the scramble of words (ie, MRTS, MRT, MPL etc etc), hoping they would safely adhere to my brain, afraid they would fall off as the train rocked and swayed where I stood. By now, I'm wide awake courtesy of my 3rd bottle of Essence of Chicken....my heart pumps extremely hard and my blood unusually hot...heats up my entire body as it flows all around.
Time ticks by slowly, very slowly as I approach the somewhat dilapidated sign of UUM KL. I enter and wait for the last final 15minutes to pass before I log myself pass the double doors of the examination hall only to find my body instantaneously freeze to the core. What the heck, I could survive 3 hours in this freezer, can I? .....

I'll repeat this torturous ordeal 4 times in 2 weeks, I'm sure the only happy person is the chinese medicine shop who sold the essence of chicken to my mum.
I'm so so so glad its all over!!!!!....I can finally heave a sigh of relieve......yay yay yay....
Low's Peak, Here I Come.....

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