Just to note things down. I'm flying by MAS because its a sub-zero fare, either way I'm still quite glad that it's MAS, not that I have anything against AirAsia, but isn't it like comparing a good pair of Pallas Jazz and a Converse?
Got my flight tics for RM240. I've booked accom for 5 nights at Borneo Backpackers for RM12 per night. Dirt cheap, apparently they won some award so they are offering this promotion to celebrate. I found out tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. If I Knew earlier, I would have booked an earlier flight.
I have yet to register for a scuba course and I'm due to start Monday...shites....
Wisma Sabah is where I'm rushing to the moment I land. Sabah Divers most probably...
I hope we make it though....We land 5pm, they close 5.30pm.
I hope my luggage gets out fast enough!
Here's my check-in bag (a fake 70l NorthFace my sis bought in Langkawi 6 years ago) and my brand new deuter act trail 24 'hand-carry' in red.
Labuan would be 20th June and Mount Kinabalu would be 25th June...Wish us luck...Oh btw I'm scuba-ing, travelling and climbing with Fiona...and travelling & climbing with Chong Jyn...and Climbing with Yih Wen...yea i knoe...weird arrangements yea? dates and all...
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